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About Us

Your Child is in Great Hands



Our loving and nurturing environment helps to provide a sense of belonging and reassurance to the children. Recent research supports the important role that early childcare givers play in the brain development of young children.

Health & Safety

Health Policy

Parents will be notified if their child has a temperature of 99.4 - 100.4 degrees or more,  3 loose stools (diarrhea), or vomiting.  The child must be picked up within an hour after the parent  has been notified.  The child must be free of all symptoms for a full 72 hours before returning to care.  Children with a contagious illness may not return without  a signed statement from the doctor which indicates that the child is no longer contagious.  Prescribed medication may be given by the academy if a medical form has been completed.  The medicine must be in the original container with the doctor’s name, child’s name, prescribed dosage and the date written clearly on the label.  All medicine should be signed in at the office and given to the Director to be locked in the medicine cabinet in the office.  No medicine should be left in a child’s bag or in the classroom.  An updated and completed emergency medical authorization form must be kept in your child’s file.


Safety is a primary concern at KLA.  You have to be buzzed in to enter KLA.  All children must be escorted into their classroom and signed in with their teacher through the Brightwheel App.  The academy must be notified, in writing, if someone other than the parent or guardian should pick-up the child.  Proper identification must be presented for the child to be released. 

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